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<Interplanar Decimation> album page

Denizen Of The Lower Planes

Swirling mists in a morbid domain
Lurking gruesome bat-winged beasts
Seeking the call to the prime material plane
Where they celebrate the reason of their existence
Bathing covered in blood
Basking in torturing, and magical healing to further torture
Until then, they wait in a foul place
Endless dimensional black pits
Through cutting rock cliffs
An oasis of sulfur and fungus
Where lay the throne of the monarch
Carved in a giant mushroom
Holding a lightning sword
The dog-ape faced giant king of the Abyss
Flying with leathery wings
Incapable of anything bordering on goodness
Ruling supreme among his demonic servants
The purest form of evil
The source of untainted hatred
Grabbing the mind and the heart

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