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Children Of Dijun

Above the Fusang tree there lived ten naughty little suns.
Often neglected by their parents the great sun gods Dijun and Shiho.
They are always left alone to play in there paradise,
There was a day they ran through the skies altogether and heating the world

On a chariot Shiho and her children rode across the sky
The children's jobs are to shed their light and warm the entire world

The people prayed to the sun gods as the world became a inferno
The prayers had reached Dijun who then became angered at his sons
Dijun calls forth the Grand Archer Yi and sets a task for him
The archer is given ten magic arrows to shoot at each of his sons.

On a chariot Shiho and her children rode across the sky
The children's jobs are to shed their light and warm the entire world

As one is shot they all are shocked
They flee and scattered across the country
The Archer pursuits to hunt them down
And Each one is killed the earth is cooled

Nine out of ten suns have being downed
But the last magic arrow has been stolen
and the people have begged to leave one alive
So the Archer agrees to spare the last

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